Novel gram-negative antibiotics

Antibiotic resistance (AMR) is a major threat to public health and caused 670,000 infections and over 33,000 deaths in Europe alone in 2015. So-called Gram-negative bacteria are particularly difficult to treat because they are encased in a tough outer membrane that prevents many antibiotics from penetrating and killing the bacteria.
The GNA Now project aims to address the urgent need for new antibiotics to treat Gram-negative infections by attacking the bacteria in new and different ways. The team will run three programmes in parallel, each focusing on a different drug candidate with an innovative mode of action. All drug candidates will undergo a series of tests to ensure their safety and efficacy and to understand and optimise their mode of action. The project hopes to complete Phase 1 clinical trials for at least one candidate and advance at least one other candidate to the point where it is ready for clinical trials.
GNA Now is part of IMI's AMR Acceleration Programme.
‘Our clinical trials are conducted according to the highest quality standards. In this way, we not only support the development of novel but also safe drugs and active ingredients.’